The BCI filter would be my vote for software mod of the year 2007 -- and I 
know it's only January. The wider panadapter would be my vote for 2006.

>The BCI (AM Radio Broadcast Interference) Rejection is something new to 
>the SDR.  If you live near strong AM stations they may be causing front 
>end overload.  If you operate on 160 and find carriers every 10kHz and a 
>high noise floor this is for you.  My noise floor is S9 +10db with 
>carriers at S9 +25db.  With the BCI Reduction activated the noise floor 
>drops to S6 and NO Broadcast carriers.  That's more than a 35db 
>improvement during the day.  It's even better at night when the 
>atmospheric noise goes down!  I now get down to S3 at times.  I worked 
>G4UFK on 160 SSB last night. It would not have been possible without this 

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