Jim, you know that the current PowerSDR Console is not supported 
natively under any Linux distribution. Dan N4XWE has done a wonderful 
job of putting together Teamspeak sessions specifically targeted to the 
new Linux users. Please check for his announcements.

Here is a knowledge base article about Ubuntu

and here is a link to some good Linux info about very early efforts to 
control the SRD-1000 from a Linux based PC. Right now I think that John 
Melton is the Pioneer in this area http://microsat.homelinux.org/dttsp/

here are some Ham Linux resources that seem to be pretty good
de ken

Jim, W4ATK wrote:
>       I downloaded Ubuntu Linux today and am getting ready to go get another 
> Drive and setup dual boot here on my system. I would appreciate any heads up
> someone might give on sound card support, what is necessary to fire up
> PowerSDR and the like. Problems and solutions.
>       My hope would be to make the transition to Ubuntu exclusively if 
> possible.
> Thanks in advance,
> Jim, W4ATK

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