At 08:15 AM 1/18/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>A Wall Street Journal reporter with (as far as I know) a reasonably level
>headed reputation has weighed in on Vista:
>I particularly note that he calls out that Vista will require a
>substantial PC upgrade, at least if you using its newer features.

I would expect that the vast majority of current XP users won't 
upgrade "on the same computer" to Vista.  Rather, they'll just happen 
to buy a new computer with Vista already installed on it, and given 
the gradual increase in performance over time, the relative demands 
of Vista on a new machine in 2007 will similar to the demands of XP 
on a new machine back in 2003.

As to what kind of horsepower would be needed to run PowerSDR under 
Vista, compared to running it under XP, I have no idea.   As the 
first few Vista machines come out, I suspect someone will try it and see...

Jim, W6RMK

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