I just purchased my unit and it was delivered Friday.

Serial # 0646-0679


When running the test the following happened:


Test Run 1:


160 Metres tried 8 times and stopped.

Message: Calculated gain is invalid...


I checked all the connections and settings which looked OK

I rebooted PC and Turned off the SDR-1000

I turned off the Edirol FA-66


Test Run 2:


Now it works OK until 15 Meter Ext/Adv SSB

Indicator shows 70%

Message: Calculated gain is invalid...


Test Run 3:


Tried again without reboot and

160 Metres tried 8 times and stopped.

Message: Calculated gain is invalid...


Test Run 4:


Now it works OK until 15 Meter Ext/Adv SSB

Indicator shows 70%

Message: Calculated gain is invalid...


Every test SWR on external meter is showing 1.1:1

Power out on external meter is varying with tests but never exceeding 100


Doug McCann, VA3CR


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