
I noticed with the last SVN I installed, 838, I lost the connection 
between the SDR and its keyer.  I have a electronic keyer plugged 
into the SDR hardware box.  In theory when you key the electronic 
keyer it keys the SDR.  In the last SVN it stopped working twice, but 
it restored when I restarted SDR.  So it might be something in the 
SDR instead of the virtual serial port.

I am using MixW connected with two virtual serial ports to the 
SDR.  These held up.  I have my K2/100 connected to the computer with 
a real serial port to HRD and that works well too.

I used the K2 and SDR last year using SO2R with N1MM and psk31 or 
RTTY and that set up worked well.  No problems with the Virtual 
serial ports at that time.  However, I am operating mostly CW now, 
and N1MM will not key the SDR properly.  I need the K1EL keyer which 
I have the kit, but have not put it together yet.

I will watch for any more problems and see if I can help pin it down.

At 10:48 AM 1/25/2007, you wrote:
>I used the SDR-1000 in last weekends contest and was very disappointed in
>the operation of the Virtual Serial Cable.  It was constantly losing it's
>connection between the logging software and the SDR.
>It happened when ever there was a period of time when the transmitter was
>keyed by the logger, when the logger attempted to take the transmitter out
>of transmit.  The first few times it would happen the connection would
>recover, but after the second or third time the connection was lost forever.
>Then I would have to completely stop and restart PowerSDR.
>Fortunately I operate SO2R so there was always another radio (K2) ready to
>go on all ten bands that was hard wired to its serial port.
>At first I suspected RF, but it happens on all bands up to 1296 and the
>microwave station (RF) is over 60 feet away.
>As frustrating as that was, overall, the SDR performed pretty well.  I am
>really not enamored by the DC spike and the bridies, they are very
>distracting, but not distraction enough to give it up, it's a great way to
>operate, lets get the bugs fixed.
>Hopefully the Ozy and Janus combo will get rid of the DC junk and give us
>more bandwidth.
>Phil K3TUF

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