Hello Everyone,

Just a reminder that there will be another SDR Linux User Group meeting
tomorrow evening at 0200Z on TeamSpeak.  That is 9:00 PM on the East
coast and 6:00PM on the West coast.  BTW, the plan is to have a meeting
every Thursday night (in the US) until further notice.

This week the special topics will be downloading and installing Ubuntu
and (How Original!) configuring sound cards in ALSA and properly
setting aliases for sound card operation with OSS applications.

Please let me know if anyone would like to have an additional SDRLUG
meeting this Saturday at 1400Z.  For those of us in the Western US that
is an hour or two before the sun comes up.  It requires some extra
effort on my part to get out of bed that early this time of year, but I
am more than willing to do it if anyone is interested.

>From the mountains of Arizona, where we have had about a foot of very
wet snow over the past two weeks -- and I still refuse to buy a snow



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