At 04:30 AM 2/7/2007, Paull wrote:
>I believe that this has been hinted at over the years, but forgive please
>for asking the obvious...How about a "software defined calibrator" built
>into sdr code?
>I do not understand the need to purchase an external calibration source when
>all the required components/functions necessary to calibrate within the
>precision of an gnat's patootie already exist in the
>hardware/software...Don't they?

Nope.. the SDR1000 doesn't have the standards built in.  You need 
some sort of external frequency and/or level standard to calibrate 
against (or have it included in the radio)..  For frequency, one 
could use WWV or similar (that will get you "few Hz" sort of 
precision for frequency, depending on where you are etc.)

To calibrate on transmit, you'd need some sort of calibrated power 
meter (for power output) and some sort of measuring receiver (for 
image/carrier rejection).  The SDR1000 can *almost* serve as the 
measuring receiver, except that in it's current incarnation, it can't 
receive and transmit at the same time, so you can't do a "loopback" 
type calibration.

Certainly, if you had two SDR1000s, you can do this, and even better.

Jim, W6RMK 

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