At 12:37 PM 2/7/2007, Mark Amos wrote:
>This is slightly off topic, but I've seen several folks' postings 
>about tuning to WWV for "pretty good
>I wondered how close one can actually get by tuning to WWV, 
>practically. I know it depends on where you are,
>atmospheric conditions, etc. But what are the practical upper 
>boundaries to the accuracy of WWV calibration
>using the "phase" display, given a stable local oscillator in the Flex.
>I use a GPSDO (at 10MHz) for my "master oscillator". When I tune to 
>WWV it's always within 1 Hz of where it
>was last time I checked. It's typically within .5 Hz or so (based on 
>how long it takes for the phase display
>to cycle) but I haven't done any systematic testing for diurnal 
>variations, etc.

Propagation probably contributes about 1 Hz (1 sigma) to the 
instantaneous frequency.  Mostly from doppler from moving ionosphere 
clouds.  I have a paper around that tells more detail, and the WWV 
website at NIST has quite a bit of data on propagation 
uncertainty.  There is a diurnal variation in absolute phase (because 
the path length changes), and during the transition, the frequency 
uncertainty will increase.

>This is of philosophical / developmental interest to me - I'm 
>interested in learning more about this. What
>are the relative magnitudes of the different factors at play - for 
>example, does sound card variability
>contribute more or less than variability due to propagation, etc.?

Depends on the sound card.. My lab measurements on a bunch of Via 
Mini-ITX form factor boards with built in sound interfaces showed 
that the variations in frequency from the sound card oscillator were 
on the order of 1 part per thousand, while the 200 MHz oscillator had 
variations in the ppm range.

>Does the ADC oscillator variability swamp any varibility due to 
>internal Flex-Radio component drift? questions like that.
>Thoughts on this or pointers on learning more?
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