At 02:52 PM 2/11/2007, kd5nwa wrote:
>Remember "computers are evil" they are out to get us. The very design
>of the PC is nothing but trouble, some are so poorly designed that
>current for the power flows through the chassis

I doubt they're actually designed to do this intentionally, but it's 
not unusual for someone to mount a mother board with a metallic 
standoff that shorts to a ground trace, rather than the usual nylon 
snap in doo-hickeys...  Not all holes in the motherboard are intended 
for screws (if any)...

And then, there's the problem with the grounding of the PSU, since 
the 5V return carries a fair amount of current.  If you have a disk 
drive that, for instance, bonds the drive chassis and the 5V return, 
and then the chassis gets bolted with a hard connection (as opposed 
to little plastic shock mounts), it provides an alternate path 
(maybe... depends on if the PSU bonds the return at it's chassis), 
and, of course, there's all the digital signal returns in the cable 
to the disk drive anyway (hey.. there's a good reason for Serial 
ATA... it uses LVDS balanced signalling, as far as I know).

Hardly an optimum design for analog signal processing, in any case.

Jim, W6RMK 

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