Pin 8 is a diode that duplicates the diode you have
across the coil of your relay.  Personally I use
discrete diodes across any relay I use, and not pin 8.

Pin 7 is an open collector.  When pin 7 is activated
it shorts to "ground" (pin 15).

Pin 15 closes the loop back to where the +12v comes
from, that is from the ground side of the 12v relay
power supply.  

Some people have blown the X2 chip using external amps
and therefore use the "buffer" relay to switch the amp
relay.  If you're not sure of your amp and the
vagaries of switching voltages and current this is
probably a good idea, but it is a belt and suspender
solution and it does add some latency to the amp

I have 4 amps (ameritron and amp supply) and have
never had any trouble using pin 7 to switch without
the buffer relay with any of my amps.  If I was going
to use a buffer I would use something like a FET and
not a relay.  

I looked at the diagram in manual 1.8.0 and it is

73  W9OY

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