
Maybe shape factor is the wrong term to use.  All I know is that I took 
a relative low phase noise source, a HP 8640B, and tuned the SDR so that 
the signal was in the bandpass with the filter set to 1000 Hz.  I then 
retuned the SDR so that the signal was 6db down.  I then retuned the SDR 
again so that the signal was 60 db down.  If I divided the 6 db bandpass 
by the 60 db bandpass, the number was about 1.1.  If I followed the same 
proceedure with the filter set to 100 Hz , the number was 2.7.  What 
causes the difference?

Tom   W0IVJ

Jim Lux wrote:

> At 08:18 AM 2/18/2007, Tom Thompson wrote:
>> Mark and Bill,
>> I made some measurements and got similar results as Mark.  The one thing
>> that confused me was the difference in shape factor between the narrow
>> filters and the wide filters, but I think you just cleared that up for
>> me, Bill.  It has to be a function of the bin resolution and the bin
>> bleed.  Thanks, Mark for bringing this up, and thanks Bill for clearing
>> my confusion...very interesting.
> This is somewhat confusing because you are using a conceptual model 
> (shape factor) that is really derived from analog filter design in a 
> domain (digital filters with a lot of samples) that it isn't as well 
> suited to.
> In analog filters, we talk about how many sections or poles it might 
> have, and knowing that number tells you what the ultimate rolloff is 
> going to be (12 dB/octave per section, eh?). The close in rolloff in a 
> high q filter (say a crystal lattice) is still determined by combining 
> a relatively small number of tuned circuits (albeit high q ones).. 
> Essentially, you stack up a bunch of stagger tuned sections so that 
> you get a "bart's head" type frequency domain response. You have to 
> worry about interacctions between the tuned circuits (some deliberate, 
> as in a double tuned IF stage, some not), drifting in component 
> parameters, and non-ideal components, so Q isn't infinite.
> But in the digital domain, you can (easily) build a filter that is the 
> equivalent of 4000 ideal lossless LC tuned networks with infinite Q. 
> Yowza!..  Sure, there are tradeoffs, and there are some peculiarities 
> (roundoff, truncation, etc.) but it's easy to build filters that have 
> "desirable" properties but which don't fit the usual analog filter 
> metrics and design tradeoffs.  For instance, it's pretty easy to build 
> a "linear phase" filter in the digital world (one that has the same 
> time delay for all frequencies in the passband, which has minimal 
> pulse shape distortion).. something that is quite challenging with 
> analog filters (as anyone who has agonized over group delay properties 
> has dealt with).
> In the digital world, one could build a dynamically adjusting CW 
> keying envelope that is precisely limited in it's bandwidth to the 
> current keying rate, without "ringing".  Heck, in the digital world, 
> one can have non-physically realizable filters (i.e. that have an 
> output before the input is applied, in some senses)
> So the challenge we all face when working with digital filters is that 
> a lot of the traditional measurements and tradeoffs change.  
> Sometimes, a measurement (e.g. swept response) gives results that, if 
> an analog filter were being measured, would mean that the measurement 
> system is broken. Other times, we make measurements that "mean 
> something" in terms of an analog design (3rd order intercept is a good 
> example) that doesn't necessarily have the same interpretation in the 
> digital world (or more correctly in the hybrid digital analog world).  
> For instance, Spurious Free Dynamic Range is a very different thing 
> when applied to A/Ds than when applied to a LNA and mixer.
> Shape Factor for filters is another such metric.. It's a shorthand way 
> of describing a certain kind of filter (bandpass with symmetric 
> skirts).  A shape factor of 6 is a lot different from 2, but the 
> difference between 1.1 and 1.05 is less so, in terms of practical 
> significance.  if you really want to specify adjacent channel 
> rejection, then that's the spec you should be working with (i.e. 3dB 
> bandwidth of X kHz, 60 dB down at X+Y kHz)
> Also, watch out for stopband bounce.. I work with a variety of analog 
> filters that have fairly steep rolloffs, a deep null at about 2.5-3x 
> cutoff frequency, but that only have 30 dB of rejection far out.  
> Why?  Because other stages provide the far away attenuation, but I'm 
> concerned about suppressing the spur at the clock rate from the glitch 
> energy in the dac.  The filter might have a fair amount of phase 
> ripple in the passband, but I can compensate that in the equalization 
> in the digital data stream going to the DAC.  But, if I were to look 
> at just the digital filter characteristics, it would look terrible.  
> It's the overall system performance that you're concerned about.
> A similar strategy is used in consumer audio DACs.  They take the 
> digital stream at 44.1 kS/s, interpolate it it up to 192k, then run it 
> to the DAC.  The analog filter can then use relatively few sections 
> with low Q, because the 192 is almost 10 times the filter cutoff of 
> 20-25 kHz, so you don't need an extreme shape factor to get good 
> performance.
> Jim, W6RMK

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