>Eric Wachsmann wrote:
> > I will stand by my previous statement:  As long as Windows is the primary
> > Operating System for our customers, we will continue to
> > support/maintain/improve a windows Console.  Again, this does not 
> prevent us
> > from branching out into the linux and Mac world with a multiplatform
> > offering.
>And as I've been saying for some time now, Flex knows which side
>the bread is buttered on. No argument there. People who want
>Windows, should have Windows. Nothing more to be said on that subject.
>The point remains, however: what Flex has actually *done* to
>promote other platforms is, in fact, zip. It's all been done
>independently. That is also true of all the other components of
>the "new architecture." It's all being done outside of Flex, at no
>cost to Flex. With the exception of the new hardware code, for
>which praise the heavens, not a single one of the other components
>in the new design has even a fingerprint of Flex on it.
>So while it's all well and good that nothing is
>"preventing...branching out" into other platforms, the fact is
>that there's a lot of ground to make up in terms of giving this
>kind of talk some real substance.
>I personally have no desire to start either a fight or a flameware
>about this. I would just prefer that any discussion on the subject
>be salted with some realism, based on history and a candid
>appraisal of the near- and medium-term prospects.

I don't think Flex has stated their position as clearly as they could. My 
impression is that they would love to have a cross-platform solution 
available now that would suit everyone. The problem has to be the cost. If 
Flex does this software it would be very expensive for them... guessing 2 
very good software developers and a year of time minimum plus ongoing 
support costs. It could be > $250K to ship the first version if this were a 
normal, efficient software company. I think this is the realism... would 
you want the cross platform software development cost reflected in the 
radio price?

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