Hi Dana,

You did not mention the setting of your RF
control.  Have you tried that at a high
(> 100) setting?

On earlier versions of PowerSDR,
under the AGC pull-down
choose Custom,
then on the Set Up menu option,
under the AGC column you can increase the
Max Gain to as sensitive as you desire.

When I first got my SDR-1000 two years ago, I
thought that it seemed less sensitive than my
other receivers.  Then someone pointed out that
the default AGC setting was chosen to reduce
the noise level.  All I had to do was change
the parameter on the ACG and I had lots of gain.
In the newer versions of the software, they
created the "RF Gain" slider on the front panel
that makes it easy to adjust.

Mike - AA8K

N1OFZ wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been happily using my SDR-1000 as an IF rig for transverters for  
> a month now.  It seemed to be performing fine.  This weekend I put up  
> dipoles on 10 and 20m and decided to see how it worked on HF and I  
> was disappointed.  I hooked the same antenna to my FT-847 and was  
> hearing stations 3-4 S units better.  There were stations that I  
> couldn't even hear on the SDR-1000.  I guess the reason I thought it  
> was working well before was because the transverters/preamps are  
> doing all the heavy lifting.
> I went to the list archives and read about similar problems and tried  
> all the suggestions I could find to fix it.  I also re-calibrated the  
> radio using WWV as the reference but it made no difference.  I'm  
> using PowerSDR 1.8.0 with the preamp on high and the AF set at 90.   
> As a last resort I went through the FA-66 setup guide and found one  
> problem.  I can't get the sample rate to go higher than 9600.  I get  
> an invalid sample rate error if I try to set it to 19200.  I'm not  
> sure that this is related to the problem or not but I thought I'd  
> mention it.  Anyone have any ideas?
> Is anyone on the list near Danbury, CT?  I'd be interested in  
> bringing my radio over and comparing it to see if the problem is  
> software or hardware related.
> Thanks,
> Dana  N1OFZ

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