I get about -130dBm when I use this method. Is this what was is

Mark NU6X

>This is just not possible with the way we do calibration.  Something 
>else is amiss.   After calibration against a known source,  BOTH of
>radios should read -90 dBm if you present -90 dBm at the antenna 
>terminals.  That is because the calibration process removes all of the 
>system differences at the calibration frequency.
>NOW,  you can have a higher NOISE FLOOR than Joe.  That is entirely 
>Calibrate your radio so that BOTH OF YOU read the exact same meter 
>readings given the same source (and the peak on the display shows up at

>the same level on the display).  Set your filter to 500 Hz.   Read the 
>METER in Signal Avg setting.  TURN THE TONE OFF.
>The meter reading will be of the average cumulative noise power in the 
>500 Hz filter.  THIS IS the definition of MDS as measured in the ARRL 
>labs.  It is mathematically equivalent to what they do.
>Good luck,

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