Ken N9VV wrote:
> On the front panel, select AGC CUSTOM and try again. The AGC system is 
> explained in the new 1.8.0 Users Manual on pages 95-96
> "Slope (dB): Slope changes the rate at which gain increases with 
> decreased signal. If you have the Slope set to 10 dB and the signal 
> gets weaker by 1 dB, the gain will be increase by 10 dB. The increase 
> is still limited by max gain. This provides different decay action in 
> the AGC.
> Attack is unaffected. 0dB is default, 10 dB is maximum.
> Max/Neg Gain (dB): The maximum (or minimum) amount of gain the system 
> is allowed to apply.  When receiving (AGC), this can be used to 
> minimize ambient noise that may cause listening fatigue.
> Attack (ms): This sets the time constant for the attack for the AGC. 
> Note that in order for this and
> the two controls below it to be enabled, the AGC control on the front 
> panel must be set to Custom.
> Decay (ms): This sets the time constant for the decay for the AGC. 
> When a signal gets weaker, this determines how quickly the AGC will 
> respond to the need for increased gain."
> Hang (ms): To keep the AGC system from doing too much up/down, an 
> adjustable hang time is provided. After this time has expired, the 
> Decay will then determine how quickly the AGC gain recovers.
> Hang Threshold: The hang will NOT occur if the signal is weaker than 
> this threshold.
> Fixed Gain: When you choose Fixed AGC on the front panel, this number 
> is used to amplify the signal.
> de ken n9vv
Ken, thank you for your prompt response.
I already had reviewed the last manual, but I didn't understand this 
behavior. I don´t see any difference between the  standard modes and 
custom, in fact the slope box is enabled on both.
Maybe the explanation is that I reach the max level at -75 dBm and I 
did´n checked carefully between these level and the MDS,  I´try tomorrow 

Anyway, I can't understand if the signal output remains exactly constant 
between -15 dBm and -75 dBm, that is a 0 dB slope, so why this doesn't 
change when selecting other slope values?.

Mark, I just received your response while writing this and this "noise 
expander" with no signal was exactly what I was trying to avoid and 
hence my measurements.

Thank you all for the superb support from Flex and the users community.

73 de Ignacio, EB4APL

73 de Ignacio, EB4APL

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