Guy look at SETUP --> General --> Options right hand side. UNcheck 
the *Beta* and  *Release* boxes just in case they are trying to get 
out on the Internet to look for updates to the code. If you have a 
good firewall, the whole console could be spinning it's wheels 
trying to get through it.

Guy Atkins wrote:
> I've been using many versions of PowerSDR with nearly no glitches for over a
> year, on a AMD Athlon XP 2400+ (2.0 GHz) system with 1.25 GB of RAM. The
> sound card in use is the Presonus Firebox with firmware updated successfully
> last summer, and the latest 1.21 driver. DirectX and my Nvidia drivers are
> all up to date, as well as Windows XP updates and with OS optimizations
> recommended by other SDR-1000 owners.
> I use the parallel cable that was supplied with the SDR-1000.
> However, despite the smooth-sailing for months, all my versions of PowerSDR
> (beta & production, 1.3 through 1.8, plus K6JCA and K20X versions) have all
> started exhibiting the following behaviour, with no other applications or
> unnecessary processes running:
> 1. Fine receive operation for approx. 1 minute, then...
> 2. Rapidly increasing CPU utilization, from ~35-40% (w/display enabled) or
> from ~12-25% (w/no display) to higher levels, then 100% CPU, then...
> 3. Audio motorboating & stutter, display freezing, and complete PowerSDR
> lockup, all within a few seconds. This is usually accompanied by full lockup
> of Windows. Lockups take just a little bit longer to occur when I have the
> display turned off, but CPU still goes to 100% followed by full lockup.
> 4. The lockup is normally so bad I can't do a CNTRL-ALT-DEL to gracefully
> shut down... I need to switch off the computer with the power supply switch.
> What could be causing this behavior? I have checked and rechecked every
> aspect I can think of, including trying "Fail-Safe" and "Optimized" BIOS
> settings on my motherboard. I've reviewed my start-up services (via
> services.msc) over & over again, and tried some less aggressive settings
> after re-reading various XP optimization recommendations from the Flex-Radio
> reflector and elsewhere.
> I have tried deleting the .MDB database and starting fresh, as well as
> uninstalling and fully reinstalling a few of the PowerSDR versions. I
> usually run very conservative latency settings (large buffers) in the
> PowerSDR setups and on the Firebox Soundcard. I don't mind latency, as I'm
> using the SDR in receive-only mode. I typically have the Process Priority
> setting at "high" or "above normal". Going to "real time" doesn't offer any
> improvement.
> For the life of me I can't think of what changes I may have made to this
> desktop PC to cause PowerSDR to react this way with all versions. I used to
> be able to run PowerSDR with other applications concurrent, for hours at a
> time, perfectly. Now I can't even run it alone for two minutes without
> lockups that require a complete reboot!
> Thanks in advance for any pointers or direction!
> Guy Atkins KE7MAV
> Puyallup, WA USA
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