I think it's great that Flex is keeping up with the times, and can't wait to
see the info on the SDR-5000.

The ARRL has been one of the promoters of SDR technology, especially
recently.  I think they see the advantages, and the handwriting on the wall.
QEX is a great way for technically-savvy hams to promote new ideas and
technology.  Big companies may be at the forefront of technology, but the
hams continue to find ways to make that technology inexpensive.

Go for it Bob and the League.  Keep up the focus on technology.  That is a
significant part of what keeps our hobby relevent.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert McGwier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Flex-radio Reflector" <flexradio@flex-radio.biz>
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 7:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] SDR-5000

> Now now John.   The president of ARRL is a proud SDR-1000 owner and a
> reader of this group.  He and the technology task force and CTO for the
> League have been staunch supporters of SDR and its implications.  The
> "SDR-5000"  is no longer a real secret.  I suspected it would not be a
> secret from the minute the ad copy hit Newington.  ;-).
> Truth in advertising:  I am the ARRL SDR working group chair for
> whatever that might mean.
> Bob
> N4HY
> W2AGN wrote:
> > "Bob Maser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > (04/04/2007 19:23)
> >
> >> Why doesn't a Diamond member of ARRRRRGL scan the ad and put it on the
> >> reflector for all of us lesser guys to see?  They probably called it
> >> 5000 because it going to be 5 times as much money.
> >>
> >> Bob W6TR
> >
> >
> > If they have the money to be a Diamond member, they are probably
> > afraid  the AMATEUR RADIO RIPOFF LEAGUE would sue.
> >
> > John - W2AGN
> >
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> -- 
> AMSAT Director and VP Engineering. Member: ARRL, AMSAT-DL,
> "Taking fun as simply fun and earnestness in earnest shows
> how thoroughly thou none of the two discernest." - Piet Hine
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