Hi SDR Friends,

has anybody made similar experience?
I run 1.8.0 PowerSDR with no problems under Vista.
However, trying to run SVNs downloaded via TortoiseSVN, the error
message given below occurs during the start-up phase of  PowerSDR (when
"Iniatializing PortAudio" is shown on the PowerSDR logo).

The same is true when trying to run SVN 1124 downloaded as zip-file from
W5AMI`s www adress as given a few days ago in the reflector.

What makes the difference between SVNs and 1.8.0 causing the problem ?
Vista-specific problem ?
Any idea to put things right ? 

Thanks, Hans, DL2MDQ.


"Registrierungszugriff ist unzulässig" meaning "registry access not

at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.OpenSubKey(String name, Boolean

at PortTalk.Parallel.InitPortTalk()

at PowerSDR.HW..ctor(Int32 addr)

at PowerSDR.Console.InitConsole()

at PowerSDR.Console..ctor(String()args)

at PowerSDR.Console.Main(String()args)

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