I would like to emphasize this demand

Gerd, DJ8AY

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Philip Covington
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 5:11 PM
To: Flexradio
Subject: [Flexradio] Q23. Regarding the FLEX-5000, can we assume ...

Re: Q23

Could someone from Flex please give a general overview of the hardware
design changes in the SDR-5000 from the SDR-1000 design?  I think that some
may get the wrong impression that the SDR-5000 is just a SDR-1000 with an
integrated $1000-level sound card.  I realize the hardware design is
proprietary, but a general description of the improvements (DDS, I/Q
balance, QSD and post amps, etc...) would go far to help potential customers
justify the large increase in price between the SDR-1000 and the SDR-5000

Phil N8VB

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