Hi Rob,

Companies have to do what is in their best interest in order to survive. The new radios will cut down on a considerable amount of tech support and will be much easier to set up, in my view. And in order to remain competitive they have to come out with new and innovative hardware that will continue to push the envelop with their SDR front end.

Sometimes it's not good for everyone but I believe the majority of us will be satisfied.

BTW I believe there will be plenty of SDR-1000's out there as others decide to upgrade to the new radio. Change is inevitable. There was no marketing hype with the SDR-1000. It delivered exactly what Flex said it would and continues to evolve.

If you require a payment plan then perhaps you should purchase an SDR-1000 on your credit card and then pay it off over time. Where there's a will there's a way.


Edwin Marzan

From: "Rob Atkinson, K5UJ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Flexradio] Price
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2007 16:54:02 +0000

I'm afraid I must disagree.  To me, the SDR-1000, offered the chance to
build up a flex-radio rig in almost affordable increments, by firstly
purchasing the box itself for ~$1500, then the soundcard, then the PC.
After that, assorted accessories such as cables, ferrite cores, isolation
xformers, and the TCXO as needed. Because of this, I was hoping that maybe
some day I would be able to afford a flex-radio.   I was hoping that they
would continue the open source philosophy of less expensive hardware (the RF
box in this case) with increased capability due to software functionality,
cheaper RAM and more/cheaper processors, and user option building blocks
such as a soundcard choice.  Flex radio has chosen to discontinue the
SDR1000 and has instead taken the path of developing what border on being
plug and play toys for rich hams.   The assumption seems to be among other
things, that all hams already own powerful windoze PCs.  I have news for
you--not everyone does, or wants to.

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