At 02:35 PM 4/14/2007, Brad A. Steffler wrote:
>I think most amateurs fiercely resent the DRM intrusiveness of
>Microsoft's Vista.  I know I do.The future does appear very nice for us
>loving hams. Just yesterday I read that the frame buffer(s) in AMD's new
>GPU will not be accessible outside the GPU.
>( ). This is,
>apparently, a  device  to placate the "premium content providers"
>(read RIAA and MPIAA and their member businesses).  It also destroys one
>reason why we buy PC's in the first place - freedom of  flexibility.

I can think of several non-evil reasons why not to make the frame 
buffer accessible outside the GPU..

I'm doing a design right now using an FPGA that takes compressed 
video in a stream of  IP packets and ultimately has to generate 
composite analog video. I'm hanging some RAM off the FPGA to serve as 
a frame buffer, but that RAM is ONLY connected to the FPGA. The 
decompressor writes and the video output player reads from the 
buffers and spits out to a DAC. Sure, I could implement access to the 
RAM from the processor bus, but it would be a pain, because I'd have 
to figure out a way to arbitrate between bus and decompressor and 
video output.  Arbitrating between 3 address and data sources is not 
as easy as two, especially if I have to do it in an interleaved way 
(since the video stream is, by definition, nice and interleaved in 
time..).  Sure it *can* be done, but I don't need to, so I won't, 
except perhaps in some hideously hacked up debug form (e.g. running a 
data bus out to some pins for logic analyzer access) that costs 
almost nothing, and has no performance impact.

Chip space and design time is expensive.  If there's no need for 
direct access to the frame buffer, then why provide it.  It has to be 
designed, tested, drivers written, etc., and it just provides more 
opportunities for bugs to creep in.  And, in the commercial world, it 
would just potentially extend the "time to market", which is a form 
of business death.

Consumer video interfaces are a VERY cost competitive market with 
very small margins  to pay for added functionality.  The only reason 
you'd provide direct buffer access was to retain some backward 
compatibility, and even then, at some point, you just say: emulate it 
in software... Even as long ago as the VGA era, backwards 
compatibility was a design curse, just to keep some software that did 
direct buffer writes working.

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