>WELL PHOOEY, that won't do.  We will have to work on how optimize the 

I've been hesitant to mention NR because everyone seems satisfied with it, 
personally I've never found the results to be as good as the outboard units 
companies such as BHI in the UK and Michels-Engineering in Germany in getting 
rid of, for example, low band "frying bacon" type qrn and general hash etc . 
german unit is designed specifically for the extraction of the speech waveform 
when surrounded by noise. BHI is similar but works with cw as well.

NR was greatly enhanced with the introduction of Block LMS but to my mind/ear 
still introduces a sort of muddiness to the audio, a loss of brightness etc 
which the 
outboard units (especially the Michels unit) do not. Remember I'm talking weak 
signal SSB, 160/80/40 gray line dx etc.
I suspect that the cw guys are quite happy with NR as it stands. Perhaps we 
two separate NR systems, one specifically designed for the recovery of speech 
and the other for cw, in the presence of noise.

Its difficult to describe in words so here are a couple of links to some audio 
samples of both units in operation 


There is a downside to using these units in that they are only capable of 
with a mono input so I loose the binaural (which is a shame) and sub rx 
but hey you can't have everything.............. or can we :-)

Regards to all
Trevor  G0KTN


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