Hi Tim & Bob,

> most concerns me is the opening of Pandora's Box

I agree with you Tim, up to a point. With SDRs one needs to also think 
outside of the box ... sri

Seriously, an API would be really cool and why not go a step further, 
why not make the SDR a faceless application (a radio server if you 
like) which would use .Net remoting to talk to its GUI. The GUI would 
not have to be on the same machine as the SDR. One GUI app could for 
example talk with several "SDR Servers". The Server could run under 
Windows using the Microsoft framework and the GUI under Linux using 
the Mono framework, etc. etc.

The Server would only do one thing, and do it well, be a radio.

The GUI apps, can do stuff like panadapters with built in cluster 
spots. Maybe one could convince the WinTest team to include a SDR 
control window in the WinTest GUI...

I'm getting a bit carried away here,

vy 73 de toby
DD5FZ, 4N6FZ (ex dj7mgq, dg5mgq, dd5fz)
K2 #885, K2/100 #3248

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