Hi Farrell,

When you say that the receive on the SDR-1000
is poor what are you referring to?  Selectivity?
Sensitivity?  Tuning?

If it is sensitivity, Gerald's suggestion of
increasing the RF gain control above 100 should
give you more than enough sensitivity.

What version of PowerSDR are you running?

Mike - AA8K

Farrell wrote:
> I am currently the owner of a SDR 1000.
> I am using the Delta 44.
> The Receive on the SDR 1000 is very poor compared to my Icom 746 pro.
> I am sure that it is a configuration problem.
> I will be installing a new antenna this weekend. I also own the Edirol 66
> and was wondering if it would worth the effort to install the Edirol 66?
> Any feedback would be very helpful. I am not as technical as most of the
> people on the reflector, and may have bit off a bit more than I can chew.

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