William Hein wrote:
> The reported Flex-5000 2-kHz 105-dB IM3 figures are very impressive and would 
> land at #2 on W8JI's rx performance chart if tested by Tom and assuming the 
> figures hold:
>      http://w8ji.com/receiver%20IM3%20sorted.htm
> A figure I don't see reported for the Flex-5000 is wide or narrow Blocking 
> Dynamic Range.  According to the ON4UN Low-Band DXing book this ought to be > 
> 120-dB for serious low band DXing and contesting.  W8JI reports 10-kHz BDR 
> numbers and the Sherwood tests rated several current hi-perf rigs > 130 dB 
> 100-kHz BDR with Orion at 137-dB and the IC-7800 at 135-dB.

While I cannot say what the final official numbers are,  the numbers 
were BETTER than 120 dB blocking dynamic range in the preliminary tests 
I did with Gerald.  This was done with the usual method: put an out of 
band tone on and raise the level until the in band noise floor rises by 
3 dB.  These numbers need to be tested across various builds to make 
sure they are consistent across radios so do not take them as the final 
truth until Flex announces them.  But the first results done a bit ago 
were very encouraging.   Tom and Sherwood do not like A/D based 
receivers without analog AGC on the front end.  Tom is correct in his 
determination that the blocking dynamic range on the SDR-1000 was less 
than it needed to be at 108-111 dB (as measured in the ARRL labs).  Many 
believe this number is NOT as important to the average contester and 
certainly not to the average user.  It is definitely important to the 
large station contester or SO2R contester.  I agree with this.  Unless 
you have a large transmit signal happening right next to you,  you will 
find it hard to cause BDR to be the determining factor in your 
results.   Now the Flex 5000 should be a fantastic SO2R radio with all 
of this multiple receiver and full duplex capabilities.   If the BDR is 
in excess of 120 dB (and it is hard to see how it will not be), then "it 
has arrived" as an SO2R radio.  The full duplex and two fully functional 
high end receivers in the 5000A or C (if you add the optional second 
receiver) will be a really great thing!


>      http://www.sherweng.com/table.html
> Surprised that the SDR-1000 was never tested by Sherwood, hope the Flex-5000 
> will make it to this lab.  Most of the contesters/serious DXers I know 
> respect the Sherwood (and W8JI) tests and pay closer attention to these tests 
> than the ARRL lab reports which seem aimed at a more general ham audience.
> 73,
> Bill NT1Y

Robert W. McGwier, Ph.D.
Center for Communications Research
805 Bunn Drive
Princeton, NJ 08540
(sig required by employer)

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