I'm slowly making progress.
I am using a SIIG combo card to provide the LPT address of DCB8 onto the 
parallel port.
My microHAM keyer sends cw to both the SDR and the Yaesu.
(not at the same time)
I have the ptt pins on the SDR enabled to apply PTT to my amp.

And I have the SDR CAT enabled.

So now my DXBase software recognizes two radios in sort of a POOR MANS SO2R 
Radio 1 is the Yaesu on Com3 (virtual com port from the micrhoHAM system)
Radio 2 is the SDR (emulating a TS2000 on Com 16 which is using VCom virtual 
6>16 pair.

By selecting which radio icon in DXBase, I can enter a call that I work and 
it will poll the  Yaesu or SDR and enter the freq, mode etc.

But here comes the cat problem.
While DXBase will allow me to to go to it's cluster window, and click on a 
spot which will qsy the Yaesu to that freq/mode.

I can't do it with the SDR.

Dxbase can read/decode what frequency/mode the SDR is in.
But it can't tell SDR to switch modes and/or go to the frequency of the QSY 
In DXBase I have TS2000, Com 16, 4800, 8 no Parity and 1 stop bit.

Either the SDR or DXBase has the wrong command set for the TS2000???
I'm betting that I may have corrupted my TS2000 DXbase Command set.

If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything.

Bill H. in Chicagoland
webcams at
weather at http://hhweather.webhop.org

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