In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
"Dudley (WA5QPZ) Hurry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>No real need to un-install version 1.6,  but I would recommend to create a
>new database and not import the old database from 1.6 until you find out
>what is going on.   Just as a point of reference, you can create a new
>database anytime by renaming the "PowerSDR.mdb" file that is in the
>program directory and restart the console, PowerSDR. 

I decided to look at this a little more scientifically and go for broke; 
i.e. uninstall 1.6.2 and 1.8.0 (using Add/Change Programs), then 
re-install 1.8.0 from scratch.

[Sidetrack: Everything appeared to progress without a hitch. However, 
when I started the re-installed 1.8.0 for the first time, I saw that it 
wasn't a virgin install. Specifically, in the previous installation I 
had changed the color schemes in a few places (principally to make the 
frequency and panadaptor information more visible), and these changes 
were still visible in the new incarnation.

I repeated the uninstall, and discovered that a few files remained under 
Program Files. Deleting all these files and re-installing yet again 
finally got me back to the out-of-the-box state. End sidetrack].

The new installation is configured for no radio hardware, undefined 
audio card. Otherwise no other parameter was changed from the default. 
The following steps cause the crash:

1. Start 1.8.0. The VFO A display shows 10.000 ooo MHz, and the WWV 
button is lit.

2. Place the cursor after the 1 in the frequency display, and delete the 
0 before the decimal place.

3. Type "7", so the display now reads 17.000 ooo MHz.

4. Click on any other band button (for example, 160m).

5. The panadaptor display rectangle disappears, replaced by a plain 
white rectangle with red diagonal lines between opposite corners, and a 
popup appears with the overflow/underflow message I reported earlier.

This behavior is consistently repeatable.

Ian, G3NRW


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