At 02:06 PM 5/28/2007, Bob Maser wrote:
>Mine started in the -150 range and 6 months later, is -2680 and continuing
>lower.  Maybe this is Flex's way to make money in the after market selling
>replacement crystal oscillators.

Surely you jest.

Actually, the beauty of the SDR1000 is that you don't much care what 
the frequency is, because aging can be compensated in software (as 
you've noted).  All crystal oscillators have tradeoffs among aging, 
spectral purity, and temperature stability.  The ability to 
compensate the change in software means you can spec an oscillator 
with outstanding spectral purity (low phase noise), and not have to 
pay an arm and a leg to try and solve it in hardware (ovens, careful 
selection of capacitor tempcos, etc.)

>You can always buy a Bliley OCXO for $400.

You can do it for less money ($200-250  for a Streamline OCXO from 
Wenzel, for instance, $50 for used HP10811s, less if you pull them 
out of dead test equipment), but even that OCXO has a trimmer adjust 
to compensate for aging.  On modern test equipment, that's probably 
one of the few adjustments that needs to get made (and, for modern 
equipment, it's a software adjustment, just like the SDR1000))

  Heck, you can build your own little oven for the Vectron part on 
the SDR1000 board (that's essentially what the "thermistor mod" is). 
Part of the expense, though, is that the mfr has already run the 
crystal for a while to get past the "really steep" part of the aging 
curve, and that costs money.  Essentially, you're buying an 
oscillator that already has 1000 or more hours on it.

>Bob  W6TR
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Frank Mayer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <>
>Sent: Monday, May 28, 2007 4:45 PM
>Subject: [Flexradio] Frequency Calibration
> >I have had my SDR-1000 since December.  When I first got the clock offset
> >was set to about +100 for accurate calibration.  Since then it has been
> >steadily needed to be reset to a lower value.  It is at -1300 now.  Could
> >the problem be the crystal going bad?
> > Frank  WA3JBT.


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