That is how I first noticed it. It crawls in and out of the passband. For the most part I can remove it by clicking on the Spur Reduction button. It is only a minor nuisance when the radio is cold. It is rare to see it when the radio has warmed up.

I think it is important that we discuss these issues without trying to blame Flex for anything. They have been responsive to just about everything within reason and have extended our warranties by a year which is something they didn't have to do. I'm very happy with my radio, the service and support as well as the help from folks on the reflector.

I'm sure that a lot of us would like to see if Flex provides a solution. Then it would be up to you to decide if you want to go through the trouble of implementing it. Like I said, I ain't touching the innards of this radio, no matter what!


Edwin Marzan

From: Dale Boresz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Interesting Noise
Date: Wed, 30 May 2007 00:16:34 -0400


Has this noise actually interfered with a signal you were trying to
copy, or has it ever appeared within the passband?


Stan wrote:
> My replies to your comments are below;
> On Tuesday 29 May 2007 16:42, Ray J wrote:
>> what??
>> give us a break...
> no, give US the buyers, the owners of the radios a break
>> Do you think that ever single little improvement that can be dreamed up
>> should be fixed/redone by flex?? I suppose at no cost too?
> No one asked that it be fixed for free. Flex could have issued an ECO which
> cost $XX - I don't have a problem paying for upgrades to my radio if it
> actually corrects a problem. BUT as far as I know, no attempt was made to my
> knowledge or was the issue even addressed that I know of by Flex.
> Do you see anyone from Flex defending themselves here or offering any
> solution? I am still waitng for some "Official" statement from Flex on this
> problem. I don't see how this could have "slipped" by the Flex technical
> staff.
> Did'nt anyone at Flex check any of the radios that were produced to see if
> there was any issues with them?
> I would think when you have a production run you pull a few radios from the > run and check them completely to make sure they are being built correctly.
> But this was'nt a production problem, this was a DESIGN issue.
> How do you miss something like this?
>> This is not a serious design deficiency..
> sure it is, this problem never should have made it into a production run.
>> it is a simple little thing..
>> that most people never even notice or care about...
> Maybe in your opinion, but there have been many owners ask whats up with this
> issue. Either you don't have the problem or don't care that your radio
> does'nt work as advertised.
>> It must be a common radio problem.... because I have this strange noise/ >> artifact in all of my rigs I have used over the last few years...ic-746,
>> ft-920, ic-251, and the sdr-1000.
> is that right! Funny my 930 doesnt have these issues.
> Why do you keep buying radios that have problems?
>> Show us a radio/manufacturer that does not have any design
>> deficiencies.. one that makes everyone happy about everything...
> no radio is perfect, but the issue many of us are complaining about you
> obviously either don't have or just don't care if your money purchased a
> radio which is somewhat less than what you expected.
> Then again maybe your radio works as advertised and you really don't give a
> damn.
> Stan
>> Ray J
>> W9RAY
>> Stan wrote:
>>> This is an issue that should have been taken care of by Flex.
>>> Many not just a few owners seem to have this problem.
>>> Its obvious to me that Flex had the new radio in mind instead of
>>> responding to a serious design deficiency.
>>> Now Flex wants us to buy into the new radio. Will they be willing to fix >>> design deficiencies such as this one? Or will we be left hanging again?
>>> Stan
>>> AH6JR
>>> On Tuesday 29 May 2007 08:52, Tim Ellison wrote:
>>>> This is a well known artifact and been discussed on the reflector. It
>>>> is noise from the DC-DC converter in the radio.
>>>> Here is a Reflector archive search on the topic
>>>> Here is a KB articles that address how to clean up DC-DC converter
>>>> noise.
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