On 6/4/07, Tom Homsley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So far I've read that I need to buy the following for my new SDR-1000.  It
> would be good to put a list in one place.

I'm sure there is list on the Flex website somewhere, as I've seen it before.
> 1.      Astron SS-30 power supply

Most all SS rigs these days need a power supply.  It's good to have
one anyway, as a lot of ham gear requires 12vdc suppiles.  I use an
Astron RS-35-M.

> 2.      100 watt dummy load (I have an MFJ-949E)

All hams should have at least a 100 watt dummy load for tuning, etc..
off the air.  Mine is a Palstar DL2K.  Good for 2KW for about 60
seconds with the fan on.

> 3.      Mic (Heil PR, GM or HM-10 recommended); maybe a pre-amp with
> Delta-44 ??

I use a PR-40 now, however I've used several different mics.  I would
get a pre-amp.  A low cost solution to that is the Behringer 802 for
about $50.  I have of people running some of the Heil's without a
preamp however.

> 4.      Parallel 25-pin cable (Is it included? It's hard to find these any
> more)

Last I heard they still come with the rig...

> 5.      Is the USB cable better?
So long as you have a High quality PCI parallel port, that will work
fine.  Eric knows of a good one.  I don't know about the USB
alternative myself.

> Have I missed anything?
You might consider getting some ferrite clamp on beads.  They can be
had from RF Parts, Radiodan.com, and Palomar.  They come in different
sizes for different size cables.  You can't have too many of these,
and they will really help if you encounter any RF in the shack.  I've
got them on all my interconnect cables just to be safe, and have no
RFI running the legal limit.

Good luck and have fun with your new SDR!

Brian / wa5am

> Thanks,
> Tom, N4WBS

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