I operated 1D to give out points, 80/40 cw only.

Had to use CWX for buffers and paddles connected to back of SDR1000
as Writelog's cw buffers will not work.
Writelog will key the SDR for the proper duration of the buffer but no cw is 
Hope I can fix that before the major contests come up.
I need to practice using the Writelog Bandmap to tune the SDR's frequency.

Is anyone using a SDR with N1MM contest software? Does that send cw?

But otherwise, PWSDR performed flawlesly.

One funny thing, must be rfi getting into the wireless mouse. Have 'Tune 
Steps' set to 10Hz.
Sometimes, after sending an exchange, the Tune Steps were now 1KHz even 
though the display still said 10Hz.
You can move along way on the panadaptor with 1KHz steps. lol
But a 'right click' then 'left click' returned it to the displayed steps.

If Windows is User-Friendly, why do you need to read a 672 pages manual?

Bill H. in Chicagoland
webcams at
weather at http://hhweather.webhop.org

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