
Yes - good point regarding the human factors stuff.

Excellent suggestion doing a MIDI / CAT interface.  I've done some PIC serial 
interface work, and this might 
be a good excuse to do some more development.  I've got a MIDI controller with 
a bunch of slide pots and a 
knob that is just collecting dust.


------- Original Message -------
>From    : Jim Lux[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent    : 6/25/2007 1:42:56 PM
To      : [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; flexradio@flex-radio.biz
Cc      : 
Subject : RE: Re: [Flexradio] key pad knob like this one

 At 07:23 AM 6/25/2007, Tim Ellison wrote:
>No Mark.  Fortunately you were very lucid at the time :-)
>The FLEX-5000 uses the MIDI control protocol to manipulate hardware
>controls in the radio.  The "hooks" part of the code is not exposed
>fully yet, so there isn't an easy way to do this now.  I could see where
>someone could create a FlexWire device that would allow one to create a
>external interface to possibly control the hardware in order to make a
>widget with knobs,  but since the FlexWire specifications are not yet
>published, this is only conjuncture on my part.

Indeed.. publishing the interface would be a good step.

In the mean time, one could theoretically build a MIDI to CAT 
translator.  I've been looking at various and sundry MIDI Control 
Surfaces (Behringer has a nice one, but I won't buy Behringer gear 
because of their FCC troubles)  for this kind of thing.  The problem 
with the control surfaces is that they are a bit too audio 
recording/performance oriented (although... what about a multiple 
stomp box for handsfree band changes?).

I also think that you really want the display tied to the controls: 
not in the horrible Automatic Teller "softkeys" way, but there's 
something nice about having a tuning knob with the frequency display 
above or next to it.

For devices with good interplay between knobs buttons and displays, 
take a look at the new oscilloscopes and spectrum analyzers from 
Agilent and Tek.  Knobs for the features you commonly use (horizontal 
speed, vertical), softkeys for a couple functions at most, and then, 
for complex setup stuff, a touch screen or mouse interface.  Some of 
these devices are a bit clunky, but overall, since these are high 
dollar items being used by people for whom time is a lot of money, 
they've spent quite a bit of human factors research time on 
them.  Just little subtle things like the color of the knobs for the 
vertical channel matching the color of the trace on the screen, for instance.

If the "universal ham controller/display" had the right rig control 
interface possibilities (and, it's not clear that all rigs have 
sufficient controllability, but most of the newer ones do), I suspect 
that if you could get some people together, one could design a very 
nice universal controller.  You'd need someone who really understands 
all that human factors stuff, an industrial designer, and then 
someone like HRD Simon HB9DRV to implement the backend controls.

Jim W6RMK 

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