Or use the Phase display and adjust
Setup, General, Hardware, DDS Clock Offset
to stop the rotation of the pattern.

I've been participating in the Sudden FMTs.
Without any test equipment or software, I
was able to measure to almost a tenth of
a Hertz on 80 and 30 meters.  My 40 meter
measurement was way off by 3.5 Hertz
due to my own pilot error.  I realized
what I was doing wrong just as the
transmission ended.

Here are the results:
< http://pages.suddenlink.net/k5cm/June%2020th.htm >

Mike - AA8K

Ken wrote:
> I first wanted to thank everyone for their response to my previous question.
> I forgot to add another item I was curious about. Can I adjust the frequency
> manually somewhere? I'm off about 150hz from all the reports I'm getting.
> Thanks Again,
> Ken - N8KJG

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