Cecil (or others on the list that have done it...)

Any advice on how to get started working with different profiles?  Like Joel, 
I'm a bit nervous about making these kinds 
of changes (for instance, I don't know exactly how to eliminate services when I 
have set up a new profile.)  

I used to do this kind of low-level stuff all the time, but that was back in 
the days of CPM, and boot loaders, etc. 

So, any pointers on setting up an alternate profile, pitfalls, etc.?


------- Original Message -------
>From    : Joel Harrison[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent    : 7/6/2007 3:01:18 PM
To      : flexradio@flex-radio.biz
Cc      : 
Subject : RE: Re: [Flexradio] FlexRadio Digest, Vol 27, Issue 6


Thanks Cecil, I appreciate the advice.

I thought I had stripped my systems down but obviously I haven't if you're
running that low CPU usage. I don't have experience to dig any deeper
without fear of going beyond a point of complete system devastation by my
own hands! :-)

I have about come to the conclusion that my computers just aren't meaty
enough to run 192 KHz with the Edirol, as you note. Sadly, Flex-radio says
absolutely nothing about minimum system requirements on the web page. All
they do is extol the glorious virtues of the products they recommend then
let you find out about the pitfalls on your own, and then you wind up having
to spend more money to get things working. That irritates me.

Yea, I know this is going to the entire reflector, but that is just the way
I feel. This is now the second time I've been in this situation with my
SDR-1000's when it could have been avoided by just some simple system
requirement statements on the web page. I guess everyone is expected to be a
computer expert beforehand.

Thanks again for the advice, Cecil. I appreciate it.

73 Joel W5ZN

Date: Thu, 05 Jul 2007 13:17:14 -0500
From: k5nwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Edirol FA66 Problem
To: FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

At 12:59 PM 7/5/2007, you wrote:
>I recently purchased an Edirol FA66 and I'm having a trouble when using 192
>KHz.  Everything works fine on 96 KHz, but on 192 KHz the CPU usage is
>pegged out a 100% and the system locks up. It does the same thing on two
>different computers on two separate SDR-1000's Here are my specific
>Computer 1 - Compaq EVO N610 Notebook, Intel Pentium 4, 2 GHz processor
>1 Gb RAM. Normal CPU usage on 96 KHz is approximately 35% (Same average CPU
>usage with standard sound card, Presonus Firebox, used on this system)
>Computer 2 - Dell Optiplex Intel Pentium 4, 2 GHz processor with 1 Gb RAM.
>Normal CPU usage on 96 KHz is 30% (Same average CPU usage with the standard
>sound card, Delta 44, used on this system)
>Both system use Windows XP.
>When switching to 192 KHz with the Edirol, the CPU usage ramps up to 100%
>about 2-3 seconds and stays locked up there. I have been through all of the
>optimization routines that are recommended; I have been through the Edirol
>setup numerous times to make sure I haven't overlooked something, but still
>have the problem.
>Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. There is no mention whatsoever on
>the Flex-radio web site that a computer of this speed won't work with the
>Edirol, so I'm assuming I'm just not doing something right in the setup
>(yes, I am switching the Edirol and SDR-1000 to 192 KHz correctly).
>73 Joel W5ZN

I'm not sure there is anything wrong, 30% usage at 96KHz sampling 
will triple to quadruple the CPU usage at 192KHz. That is just the 
way things are, however depending on your efforts there are a lot 
more optimizing that can be done beyond the recommended options, but 
few people have the experience to go there.

On a dual Pentium III 1GHz with 512 MB RAM and XP SP2, which is an 
inferior machine to what you have I typically run at less than 10% 
CPU usage with 96KHz sampling using a Delta-44, this is on a profile 
that is fairly bare, no networking, therefore no anti-virus, no 
firewall software, all services stripped that are not required for 
that one profile.

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