Mike Naruta wrote:
> YES!
> Time to upgrade my PC again.  :)

Naaaaa.   We are not using the power of some of the measliest graphics 
cards out there.  I never even warm up my two generation old AGP Radeon 
card.  Why?  We are insisting on continuing to use this resource hogging 
GDI because we are afraid to tell some people that there performance 
will suck if their card does not support OpenGL on Windows with hardware 
acceleration (and all self respecting ones do).

HOWEVER,  my core 2 quad, motherboard,  RAID drives, and new case just 


(I just wanted to deny you a rational excuse for upgrading and couldn't 


> Mike - AA8K
> Frank Brickle wrote:
>> Duane - N9DG wrote:
>>> --- Eric Wachsmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> ...We have
>>>> just about
>>>> exhausted the combinations of mouse clicks/drags with the
>>>> display...
>>> How about introducing multiple horizontal zones in the
>>> vertical axis of the panadapter/waterfall window?...
>> Nearly everything brought up on this topic can be handled in a
>> straightforward way using a 3D compositing display. To put it
>> another way, think of the panadapter/waterfall as a 3D object that
>> can be rotated and zoomed in space, with the various filter and
>> notch zones each as a separate overlay, and spaced out along the Z
>> axis with a separate control.
>> In short, a more complex console needs to be run under a GL window
>> manager as on Linux, or else treated like a high-perf video game
>> as on Windows.
>> 73
>> Frank
>> AB2KT

Robert W. McGwier, Ph.D.
Center for Communications Research
805 Bunn Drive
Princeton, NJ 08540
(sig required by employer)

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