You joke Frank, but how cool would it be to
don your stereo goggles and see each receive
waterfall as a three dimensional surface?

You could use your cyber-glove to reach into
one of the receive planes and grasp an interesting
signal, setting the filter widths with your
hand motions.  You could then touch the start
of his signal to hear the whole transmission.

I can hardly wait for version 2 of the software.

Gonna have to upgrade my PC again.    :)

Mike - AA8K

Frank Brickle wrote:
> Robert McGwier wrote:
>> In other words, it is only software but the USEFUL 
>> user interface to controlling it separately from the main RX is a cloudy 
>> mystery to us right now.
> Actually, I think it's pretty clear how to do it at this point. The 
> interface will require a 3D compositing window manager, however. The 
> spectrum display and visual overlays need to be 3D objects that can be 
> shuffled in the z-plane.
> 73
> Frank

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