Hi Dan

The problem in my case is the software for reasons that the Beta 1.9 is not 
compatible with the Ver 1.8 so far as calibration is concerned. Maybe the 
mod you did is tied up with the software not being compatible.

73 de Howard 5B4AHX

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dan Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Van de Velde Eddy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2007 5:17 AM
Subject: Re: Problem calibrating frequency.

>I sent a message to Ed at Flex and he got back to me immediately.  For me, 
>I determined that problem was NOT related to the software which ended up 
>being correct.
> The issue I had with instability related to the crystal heater and he had 
> me disconnect one of the wires inside the SDR1000.  My system is now 
> stable.  It took a couple emails but I'm fairly well satisfied.  He also 
> has me marked down as having this problem and will send new parts if the 
> problem happens again.
> So, you might want to contact flex directly.
> 73,
> Dan - kb0ppm
> Van de Velde Eddy wrote:
>> Hello,
>>  Has anyone of you got an answer for this problem ?
>>  Dozens and dozens of mails on the reflector but no one seems to care at 
>> Flex about our problem. I can understand that the 5000 is their first 
>> priority. But they could at least say they are going to check it, 
>> couldn't they ?
>>  Are we the only four with this problem ? I would not think so. There 
>> must be more people that have tried Beta 1.9.1. and detected the same 
>> problem. Or do the other just don't care ?
>>  I am beginning to think that The new software is now specific for the 
>> 5000 and that the 1000 will run on it as well but with some set backs.
>>  If anyone of you has more news, I would like to hear from you.
>>  73
>>  Eddy ON5UQ 

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