----- Original Message ----- 
From: w6icm 
Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2007 5:21 PM
Subject: SDR1000

I just updated to PowerSDR 1.10.1
It seems to be much better than my previous one. CPU down at least 10%...I like 
the equalizer. Thank You!

I have one problem, I don't think it has anything to do with the new 1.10.1,  
the power FWD power and REF power show always 0 (zero). My external power meter 
shows the normal output.

Tried my previous Power SDR 1.19 ( it was working OK and now it shows the same 
anomaly (No FWD or REF power).

I have a terrible feeling, that the problem is "hardware not software"....

Any words of wisdom where should I start checking?

I am trying to convince my XYL that the SDR 1000 is kaput and I should buy a 
5000...Somehow, I am not making too much progress in that department!


Ozzie, w6icm 
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