I used to program a CDC-160 (ppt and Friden), IBM 1401 (cards) 
and Applied Dynamics AD/Four (analog).

I hacked an interface from the 1401 to a DEC PDP 11/70 (RTL to 
TTL) so we could go from 556 cpi tape to the DEC's hard drive 
instead of cards.  Saved some trees and lots of time.

Does that count?   :)

Mike - AA8K

Bob McGwier wrote:
> Frank Brickle wrote:
>> Lyle Johnson wrote:
>>> Or the Harris RTX-2000 series...
>> Good point, and it brings to mind the supreme example, the Burroughs B5000!
>> 73
>> Frank
>> AB2KT
> How many here have had working RTX-2000 development systems in their 
> hands or really good development tools?  Maybe as many as the Burroughs 
> B5000.
> The RTX was fun for about a week while I got an RSM modem going on it.  
> After that, it died the deserved quiet death.
> Bob

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