Hot off the press:

----- reproduced here without ARRL permission ------
N4HY to Present Software Defined Radio Seminar at ARRL/TAPR Digital 
Communications Conference (Aug 28, 2007) -- Robert McGwire, N4HY, will 
present "A Stroll through Software Radio, Information Theory and Some 
Applications" at the ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference Sunday 
Seminar in Hartford, Connecticut on September 30. The seminar will cover 
the basic building blocks of a simple software radio system, as well as 
a discussion of information theory and its practical use in 
communication systems. As time permits, McGwire plans to demonstrate 
several software radio systems ranging from the Softrock40 to the 
GnuRadio/USRP and the Flex5000. Attendees will receive packages 
containing tutorials and software. McGwire is employed by the Institute 
for Defense Analyses, Center for Communications in Princeton, New Jersey 
where he has been since he was an undergraduate at Auburn University. He 
is the chairman of the ARRL Software Defined Radio Working Group, a 
member of the SDR Forum and a contributor to GnuRadio. He is also Vice 
President of Engineering for AMSAT-NA. McGwire is co-author with Frank 
Brickle, AB2KT, of DttSP, a software radio suite. The suite is used in 
the Flex Radio's PowerSDR to operate its SDR transceivers. The ARRL/TAPR 
Digital Communications Conference will be held September 28-30 at the 
Double Tree Hotel in Windsor Locks, Connecticut, just north of Hartford. 
For more information and registration, see the conference's Web site, or 
call the TAPR office at 972-671-8277. Tickets for the Sunday Seminar are 
$25 and are separate from the conference registration fee.
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