Some time back Bob McGwier N4HY wrote about changing from VCom to the
Eltima virtual serial ports (free vs paid).  We all like free.
I had miscellaneous problems running Vista with my logging program crashing
(Logger32) whether SDR was running or not and other unexplained problems,
like the keyer screwing up with VCom,
I was not using VAC yet at the time. I have a Flex 1000.
Since switching to the Eltima VSP all has been running smoothly,
the only thing I can figure is Vista does not like VCom for some reason,
at least not on my machine.
I had no problems with VCom on the XP box.
Just my 2 cents

Dave - N4DWK

Craig Sande wrote:
> Several times this evening I have had the receiver suddenly stop working
> while the transmitter continues to function.  I was transmitting at the time
> using QSK with 15 ms delay the first time and 200 ms delay the second time.
> The Panadapter baseline suddenly fell down near the bottom and if I tuned
> around I could hear multiple harsh birdies, but no valid signals.  Closing
> and restarting PowerSDR didn't resolve the issue.  I had to turn off the
> Flex-5000A and then restart PowerSDR.
>   I am running PowerSDR v1.10.2 on a 32-bit Vista on an Intel core-2
> at 2.13GHz with
> 3.00 GB RAM.  My keyer is plugged into the back of the Flex-5000.  I am
> running MixW via VAC.  My primary audio is set up with a buffer setting of
> 1024 and sample rate of 96000.  The VAC is enabled with buffer setting of
> 2048 and sample rate of 48000.  Break In is enabled as noted.  I have the
> Flex-5000 as primary and CAT as the secondary keyer connection.  I am using
> COM6 via VCom between the Flex-5000 and MixW for CAT control.
> I am hoping that this is not a Vista issue, but rather some other known
> issue.
> Has this happened to others?  How should I debug this situation?
> Thanks,
> Craig, AE7I
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