Probably need a decoder ring with the new band plans.

I haven't seen my Captain Midnight Secret Squadron
decoder badge in a long time; it must be gone.
It even had a secret invisible ink compartment.

< >

Rob Sherwood wrote:
> How about a Lucky Strike Extra while you are waiting?
>>>> "Jim, W4ATK" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/17/2007 8:35 AM >>>
> I am so glad I did not sell my SDR-1000 on the expectation of my Flex
> 5000A. My order is #1238, so guess I will be waiting a bit longer. Will my
> "decoder ring" never come????
> 73 Jim
> P.S. The "decode ring" is a senior thing. The radio serials like "Jack
> Armstrong" used to offer prizes if you sent in three Wheaties box tops etc.
> All of us kids would hope for a miracle that the new prize would show up the
> very next day, but alas, we had to wait many, many weeks. Now I have again
> dated myself. Oh Well...........

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