I have been chasing some RFI here that appears every 56.746 KHz (Average
from 35 samples) over the entire spectrum from 80M up thru 10M. The source
is still un-identified after weeks of searching. It is there 24 hours a day,
7 days a week and ALWAYS is on the frequency of that rare one!

This morning I found the signal on 5.0000MHz WWV, just to the high side of
WWV. The wierd thing is that every time WWV clicked off a second, there was
a pulse that ran from WWV down frequency to 4.962812 where it literally
dropped out like it disappeared down a drain. The pulse was about 1KHz wide,
almost flat across the top, similar to a square wave.  The pulse was -90dBm,
30dB above the noise level. WWV is above -60dBm here. My first thought was,
"What the H--- was that???"

Back to analyzing the interference. It is becoming an obsession....

73 Jim, W4ATK

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