
I picked up both of the isolation devices that are available at Radio 
Shack, as follows:

(Item #1) Radio Shack "Ground loop eliminator" Cat #: 270-054 @$16.99
(Item #2) Radio Shack "1:1 Isolation transformer" Cat #: 273-1374 @$3.99

Item #1 has no impedance specifications that I can see; It has two circuits.
Item #2 is spec'd as 600-900 Ohms, 300Hz to 5Khz response.

                   MY QUESTIONS:
(1.) Is there any advantage to using either of these devices? 
-I'd much rather use the lower cost unit, as it will be easier to install.

(2.) Is the impedance of item #1 (600-900 Ohms) acceptable? 
-Impedance of item #2 is undefined.

(3.) Where do I apply the (item #1) isolation transformer?  
-I have been advised to insert isolation into the LINE OUT port (cable) 
on the back of the SDR-1000 radio. -Is this correct?

(4.) Do I really need to use both circuits in item #1?  
-Or, would I use two of item #2?

(5.) Per question 4; If two of the circuits are needed, where are the 
"isolation paths" to be inserted?  (-I assume Line in AND line out?)

     Sorry for so MANY questions, but I (and perhaps others) have missed 
these basic items.

     Thank you, GERALD!!!!!!!!!!!
     -Mike-     K0JTA

Gerald Youngblood said:

"Hi Rob,

Based on your description, you either have a very bad ground loop between
the SDR-1000 and sound card or the sound card has a problem.  The Radio
Shack ground isolators work reasonable well in this application for both
transmit and receive.


Gerald Youngblood, K5SDR
FlexRadio Systems"

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