On Tue, 2007-11-06 at 07:47 -0800, Rob Dennison wrote:
> System bloat occurs when, in the name of minimizing code bloat, users are
> required to add more and more programs and boxes to the computer to
> perform functions easily done in code.  System bloat is far more
> pernicious than code bloat.

Unfortunately I think Rob's point here is somewhat tainted by an
overly-narrow view of how the radio software is developing and where
it's headed. His general point is well taken, but it appears to be based
on a concept of the software as a single application rather than a
virtual radio *system* for combining functions *into* an application.

The "single application" model is explicitly what we're abandoning.
While Rob's appeal to simplicity is laudable, his recommendations for
achieving it are more appropriate to a continuation of the old model
rather than embracing the new one.


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