Does anyone know anything about the computer
interface on the Kenwood TS-430S?

I've been searching for years and can't find
any info about the commands, or any software
for it.

Mike - AA8K

Rob Dennison wrote:
> To the N1MM powers that be,
> While I have developed a procedure that allows N1MM "key closures" to be
> transferred to PowerSDR via vCOM's DTR/RTS signals, it is not an
> efficient way to go.  After all N1MM must generate accurate toggles of
> DTR, then PowerSDR must interpret them and generate accurate audio
> waveforms to "key" the rig.  The process in N1MM takes about 40% of a
> 3Ghz cpu and PowerSDR takes about 20% of a 3Ghz CPU.  

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