On Dec 30, 2007 3:37 PM, Jim Lux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 4) Would-be developers who have the desire and ability to contribute,
> but also have other desires and "itches that need to be scratched",
> and would like to use the flex-radio hardware as a development
> platform...

It's worth pointing out there are a few projects ready to hand that fit this
description beautifully.

(1) Bob Cowdery's Erlang-SR
(2) Jonathan Naylor's uWSDR
(3) gnuradio

Every one of these works as claimed, is extremely well-designed and written,
uses free development tools, and is actively developed for cross-platform
exploitation. Furthermore the authors are smart, friendly, and quite happy
to help. (gnuradio doesn't mate well with Flex hardware at the present time,
but the components and tools to make that happen all exist and are easy to
come by.)

If you need a high-grade sandbox to play SDR in, you should be looking at
these very closely.

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