The setup procedure is now on my website in the Amateur Radio Blog, 
. I have also included some observations below that are from that blog.

     My purpose in installing the Flex-5000A on the MacBook Pro was  
two fold. 1) Get back on the air. 2) Determine whether to fix the old  
XP box or go totally Mac here at W4ATK.
     1) On my XP machine, I had dual monitors. Once you have them, you  
are certainly reluctant to give them up. Mac allows the attachment of  
a second monitor, but I wasn’t all that impressed with the result. I  
need to do more research in this area to be sure I am giving the mac  
its due.
     2) My Mac Book Pro is a 2.2GHz 15” dual core machine. Performance  
it would seem should be equivalent to that of my XP machine. Not so.  
If I set the audio sample rate to 96000 and buffer to 512 I get  
serious audio dropouts, pops, in the audio along with frequent hangs  
of the PowerSDR software (requiring a Stop/Start operation of  
PowerSDR). Processor utilization is not that much different, so at  
present I do not fully understand.
     I must run the system at 48000 sample rate, 512 buffer, and VAC  
at 12000 to get any degree of stability. Again, I need to do  
additional testing and research. Hopefully there will be some input  
from other mac users that will show me the error of my ways.

     I am a bit disappointed at this moment. I expected better.  
Repairing the old XP box is looking more and more inviting. Not the  
result I was expecting.

73s Jim, W4ATK

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