Unfortunately, family commitments have limited my RTTY ROUNDUP time.
I still hold High Score in zip code 60706, Single Op.

I did find that the TuneLatency/VAC issue did NOT appear.
Previously, activating the Tune Button to operate a auxiliary antenna tuner 
or change antenna switch would result in a noticeable delay when starting a 
transmission. A quick disabling of VAC and re-enabling would clear that 
latency till the next use of the Tune button.

Apparently (while I didn't do a lot of band jumping) this anomaly has been 
Even when I purposely tested for this, I did not experience the anomaly.

The increasing delay of transmitted characters appearing on the screen 
anomaly still exists.
With each transmission of a software rtty buffer, the printing of the 
transmission would slow.
Again disabling and then enabling the VAC button would reset the delay to 
zero where it would slowly build up again.

Again a big thanks to Steve Nance and his DDTUtility program that allows 
automatic amplifiers and antenna switches to follow software band switching 
was a boon to contesting.
I also made great use of Steve's program this past week chasing DX on 160 
and 80.

PWSDR Tune Steps still need more user adjustable setting for fine tuning 
The present options of 1Hz, 10Hz are really too slow for cw or digital 
contesting, and the next steps of 50Hz and 100Hz are far too fast for cw or 
digital fine tuning.
Continuously variable or the addition of 5Hz and 20Hz tune steps would be 
more appropriate.

don't think I worked any Flexonians in the contest but the 5K's adjustable 
infinite filtering makes contesting much easier.

Thanks guys.

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