I think this question came up before and if I remember correctly it is 
because the s-meter reading relates only to the signal strength (average 
power?) within the filter passband whereas the level shown in the panadapter 
window is averaged across the entire sampled bandwidth.  This is by design. 
No doubt our resident gurus can express it more clearly.

Pete, N3EVL

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Walsh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <flexradio@flex-radio.biz>
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2008 7:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Discrepancy between meters

> Hi Alex,
> Yes - in fact I was going to post this same question.  My S-meter
> always seems to be 20 dB or more above the Panadapter display.
> 73,
> Mike - ke5akl
>>Has anybody noticed a substantial difference in RX signal between the dbm
>>meter readout and the PanAdapter scale while receiving white noise?
>>73's de Alex
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